
June 30, 2012

Cooperation Among Strangers

The Ford Quadricycle

June 23, 2012

The Dark Side of Humanity

On June 13, 2012, Justin Siebenthal, a 21-year-old East Peoria, Illinois, man was shot and killed inside his home by two men.  The crime took place in the middle of the night.  Siebenthal opened his front door thinking that a man he had talked to earlier about buying some drugs was going to be standing outside the door.  Instead, there were two men armed with handguns.

June 16, 2012

Where Have All The Heroes Gone?

Although I grew up watching heroes such as Superman, Batman, and the Lone Ranger on television, my very first heroes were my dad, Carl Williams, and my grand-father, Tom Williams. My grandfather lived next door to my parents and was of Lebanese descent.  In Lebanese, a grandfather is referred to as “Jidu.”  That’s what all his grandchildren called him: “Jidu.”

June 9, 2012

Where Do You Draw The Line?

A few years ago one of my injury clients, Jane, called and told me that she had recently ended a homosexual relationship and was being harassed by her former partner, Jenifer.*  During the time they were together, Jane and Jennifer lived in Jennifer’s house and split the household expenses.  They also shared a small dog that Jennifer had given to Jane as a gift.

June 2, 2012

How To Deal With A Gay Family Member

The Catholic Church has always taught that we should love the sinner but hate the sin.  That’s exactly what we’re expected to do when we have a family member or friend who is homosexual.  The Church’s official position on homosexuality can be found in paragraphs 2357 through 2359 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which provide as follows: