Her name is Meredith Golden. She’s 43 years old and lives in New York with her husband and two sons. She has a master’s degree in social work from New York University. According to a recent article in The New York Times, Golden is a professional dating app ghostwriter. The article provided the following summary of what services Golden offers to her clients:
For $2,000 a month, she swipes, chats and charms, impersonating her clients. Once she has earned a client a date, she tags them in and becomes a more traditional dating coach, reviewing each encounter in detailed postmortems, helping to guide their next moves. Some clients disclose to their dates that they have used Ms. Golden’s services, and others do not.
Golden’s clients have ranged in age from 22 to 71. She claims that she can usually do a better job of impersonating her clients than they can do for themselves because she does not have any of their emotional baggage, such as a bad childhood, a divorce, or any previous relationship problems. She simply focuses on the basics of what she’s learned as a matchmaker.
While her most expensive service is $2,000 a month, she provides other services, such as writing a profile for $300 and performing what she calls a “Dating Diagnosis” for $600.
When a new client hires her, she starts out by getting to know the client by requiring the client to fill out an eight-page questionnaire. She then has an hour-long conversation with the client, which allows her to get to know the client well enough to convincingly mimic the client while she interacts with potential dates on various dating apps.
Golden has been most successful when she has posed as a straight male client. When she impersonates a man, she makes sure she comes across as confident and self-assured. She uses a straightforward style of communication, rather than the type of game-playing that is common in the online world. Her goal is to always move quickly toward asking for a date.
Golden is often approached by mothers who want her to assist their children in finding the right people to go out with. The daughters of these mothers are generally more willing to try Golden’s services than the sons.
I can’t imagine hiring someone to impersonate me on a dating app, but I was fortunate to grow up around men — my dad, grandfather, and uncles — who instilled in me common sense, confidence, and self-assurance. Unfortunately, there are many people who lack those qualities. They are easily intimidated when they interact with members of the opposite sex. They also fear rejection to such an extent that it hinders their ability to approach others for a first date.
Reading about Golden and the services she provides triggered my memory to my junior year in high school, when I ordered a booklet through the mail. The title of the booklet was, The Key to Popularity. The cost of the booklet was one dollar.
The author of the booklet was Ann Landers, who at that time was a well-known newspaper columnist who had a syndicated advice column in hundreds of daily newspapers across America. Among other things, Landers offered relationship advice to teenagers.
When I received the booklet in the mail, I read it. Then I read it again. I immediately began following the advice in the booklet, which became the foundation of every conversation that I had when I met a girl for the first time. In fact, it was Landers’ advice that helped me to quickly establish a connection with Georgette when I met her.
I still have a copy of that booklet, which I shared with each of my children when they were teenagers. Also, over the years, I’ve given copies of the booklet to some of my relatives.
If I were dating, I would never hire Meredith Golden to impersonate me on dating apps, but I could see myself hiring her to give me advice on how to set up an effective profile and to teach me her secrets for navigating the online dating world. Paying her for this type of assistance would be no different from what I did when I purchased and read Ann Landers’ booklet.
While there are valuable things that we can learn from people who have more experience than we do about dating and establishing relationships, the bottom line is that there is no human on Earth who can look into a person’s heart and soul and determine whether that person is genuinely qualified to be a lifetime marriage partner.
When I met Georgette in 1978, while I was able to use the techniques that I learned from the Ann Landers’ booklet, along with what I had learned from my own experiences in interacting with and dating other women, there was no guarantee that she was the woman that God intended for me as a lifetime marriage partner.
When we got married, I genuinely believed that I had a guarantee that Georgette was the right woman for me because of the assistance that I was receiving from the only human being who had the capability to look into the heart and soul of a person and determine whether that person was the correct mate to choose as a lifetime marriage partner.
The human being that I’m referring to is the Mother of God. While I did not have to pay a high monthly fee to get her assistance, there was a “price” that had to be paid in order to tap into her wisdom and assistance. That price was twofold: (1) a commitment to become and remain a devout Catholic, and (2) a commitment to establish and maintain a relationship with her by agreeing to communicate with her every day. The easiest way to do that was to use her preferred method of communication, which is the daily Rosary.
In June, Georgette and I will be celebrating our 39th wedding anniversary. While we’ve had our challenges over the years, our marriage has never been stronger. We both attribute our love and devotion for each other to our decision to remain loyal to the teachings of the Catholic Church and to “hire” a “consultant” early in our relationship to assist us with our marriage. That consultant was the Blessed Virgin Mary.
For more than 40 years, we have paid the price that our Lady required by becoming and remaining devout Catholics and by praying her Rosary every day.
While Meredith Golden can help you get a date, the Mother of God will help you find your lifetime mate and will help you maintain a loving relationship with your mate for the rest of your life.
The Mother of God is available to help anyone who desires her assistance, but if you want her personal one-on-one assistance, you must be willing to pay a price that very few people are willing to pay.
1 Comment
Excellent advice on seeking the guidance of the Blessed Mother