
October 10, 2009

The K.I.S.S. Principle

SalesmanIn his book, No B.S. Sales Success, Dan Kennedy wrote about the late Fred Herman, a salesman who was considered the greatest American sales trainer who ever lived.

October 3, 2009

My Grandmother’s Favorite Priest

Bishop Fulton J. SheenThere was a famous priest my Grandmother Effie Williams loved to talk about.  She was personally familiar with him because he was assigned to her parish for a short period of time after he was ordained.  Whenever she talked about him, her face would light up.  The one thing she talked about most was his eyes.  She said that when he looked at you it was as if his eyes could see right through you … straight into your soul.

September 26, 2009

Politics, Adventure & Spirituality

criticismAbout a month ago one of our adorers made a comment to me about how much he liked reading my weekly articles and how he always makes copies to pass along to his friends and co-workers.  He then made sure to point out to me that he doesn’t like it when I write about politics, primarily because he has a different political philosophy than I have.  We’ll call him “political man.”

September 19, 2009

A Treasure Chest Full Of Memories

Treasure ChestDid you know last Sunday was Grandparents’ day? I didn’t know it until about half way through the day when I saw an article about it. I was going to call my oldest daughter Anna to pester her for not doing anything to honor me as the grandfather of her children, but I decided not to bother her when I realized I hadn’t called my own parents to honor them for their roles as grandparents of my children. Oh well, I’ll have to find something else to bother Anna about.

September 12, 2009

Advice From America’s Doctor

'America's Doctor' in one of his appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show

'America's Doctor' in one of his appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show

September 6, 2009

3-Foot Giant

Sean Stephenson, also known as the '3-Foot Giant'

Sean Stephenson, also known as the '3-Foot Giant'

August 29, 2009

Monkeys In The Media

Do you remember those flying monkeys in the Wizard of Oz?  They were at the beckon call of the wicked witch of the west and were available on a moment’s notice to swoop down upon her enemies to capture or destroy them. 

August 23, 2009

An Agnostic & A Young College Girl

Shortly after I started practicing law, I received a call from a local prolife protester by the name of Jerry Smith.

August 16, 2009

A Success Secret From The CEO Of A Billion Dollar Company

On a recent A & E “History’s Business” television show, the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) and chairman of KB Homes, a billion dollar company, was asked several questions about what it took to become successful and wealthy.