Jesus on YouTube

November 25, 2017

Mob Action on Knoxville Avenue

I have a client — I’ll call him John — who was recently injured when his pickup truck crashed into a car that pulled out in front of him on Knoxville Avenue in Peoria. The collision occurred on a weekday at about 4:45 p.m., near the intersection of Knoxville and McClure. John is a construction worker and was on his way home from work at the time of the collision.

August 24, 2012

Capturing Jesus on YouTube

Have you ever wondered why Jesus chose to come to Earth during the time of Herod rather than now?  Wouldn’t it have been better if his sermons were recorded so all of us could see and hear Him on television and the Internet?  Wouldn’t it be a lot easier to convince others to become believers if we could show them online videos of our Lord’s miracles?  And wouldn’t we benefit from watching before-and-after videos of individuals who were mentally and physically healed by Jesus?
