The Catholic Church has always taught that we should love the sinner but hate the sin. That’s exactly what we’re expected to do when we have a family member or friend who is homosexual. The Church’s official position on homosexuality can be found in paragraphs 2357 through 2359 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which provide as follows:
Earlier this month, Georgette and I attended a recital for our five-year-old granddaughter Kathryn. The recital was at a local church in Peoria and opened with six girls who were all the same age as our granddaughter. The girls played their tiny violins with their teacher leading them. Their performance lasted about three minutes and consisted of playing repetitive music exercises.
On a Friday night about eight years ago, I got myself into an argument with one of my college age children (“the college student”). The argument centered around a certain movie that I thought was morally objectionable. At one point, the college student blurted out: “Dad, most Catholics would not agree with you about this movie. You’re too extreme when comes to things like this. I can only think of two other people who would agree with you: grandmother (my mom) and Aunt Patty.”
In last week’s article, A Prowler In The House, I threw down the gauntlet and challenged fathers to start conducting surprise inspections of their son’s iPods, cell phones, computers, and other devices.*