Have you ever heard of a “life coach”? Among other things, a life coach is someone who gets paid to provide private coaching to people who are trying to achieve balance in their lives. The areas of life in which balance is ordinarily sought include spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, social and financial (not necessarily in that order).
Last week a woman that I know called my office in tears. She and her husband are solid Catholics who are doing their best to raise their children as good Catholics and productive members of society. Although they both have full time jobs, they’ve been having financial problems for the last couple of years. About five or six months ago, one of the banks they owe money to filed a lawsuit against them. The bank is now in the process of seizing some of their assets. When the woman called she was in a state of panic. (She should have called me a year ago, but like most people, she put it off because she thought they could work things out on their own.)