Kingdom of God

December 20, 2014

A Special Christmas Gift

Christmas PresentEarlier this month, I had a conversation with a judge who recently retired after serving as a state court judge for more than 20 years. For the purpose of this article, I’m going to call him “John.” John is in his early 60s, and during our conversation he asked me how many grandchildren I have. I told him that after adding three new grandsons last month, my wife and I have 10 grandchildren.

September 6, 2014

An Unlikely Gatekeeper

GatekeeperIf you’re over the age of 40, you remember a time when most homes had a telephone connected to a wall in the kitchen and a second telephone that sat on a nightstand in the master bedroom.  Both phones were connected to the same telephone line (what is now referred to as a “landline”).

August 9, 2014

A Final Response

Criticism - AvoidThis is my fifth and final response to an email that I received from Tony, who questioned an article I had written about and its founder, Jeff Bezos.  Tony provided the following reasons why I (and other Catholics) should refuse to buy products from Amazon:

February 20, 2014

A Legacy Worth Talking About

Veronica VeilImagine you are driving on University Street in Peoria and in the distance you see a large crowd of people gathered in a parking lot.  As you drive closer to the crowd, you see a man who you have met before tied to a telephone pole.  To your horror, you see two young, well-built men taking turns at beating the man with leather whips that have sharp pieces of metal attached to the ends of each whip.

December 1, 2013


Holy FamilyAdvent is now upon us. What is Advent? It’s a time of waiting, a time of preparation — spiritual preparation for the anniversary of the coming of Jesus Christ. Instead of making spiritual preparations during Advent, many of us get caught up in the demands of everyday living. Any extra time that we have is spent on the material preparations that have become an annual tradition, such as buying gifts, decorating our homes and work areas, planning parties, and baking treats.

November 23, 2013

Protection From A Tornado

TornadoThe recent tornado that ripped through Washington, Illinois, destroyed the home of my office manager, Kenna.  When she heard the sirens and realized what was going on, she barely had enough time to wake her daughter and get her out of bed to run down to the basement of their house.  As soon as they got down the stairs, the tornado took out her daughter’s bedroom and then tore through the rest of the house.  If Kenna had delayed her decision to get her daughter out of bed by five seconds, neither one of them would be alive today.

October 12, 2013

Shined Shoes Save Lives

General H. Norman Schwarzkopf

General H. Norman Schwarzkopf

March 16, 2013

A New Pope … An Age-Old Message

HomelessPleaseHelpThere’s a well-known Internet marketing expert with whom I have consulted on a few occasions.  His name is Rich Schefren.  I first learned about Rich when I read the Internet Business Manifesto, a report that he wrote and released in 2006.   Rich is one of two experts in the marketing world who have had the most influence over me.  The other marketing expert is Dan Kennedy.

March 7, 2013

Bearing Fruit for the Kingdom of God

A couple of weeks ago Americans were treated to the Oscars (also known as the Academy Awards), the annual ceremony where awards are given to actors, directors, and other individuals who have important roles in the making of movies.  As usual, there was an area where the actors and actresses posed for pictures before walking into the auditorium where the ceremony took place.