
December 27, 2014

From Jonny Quest To Batman

Jonny QuestOf all the superhero movies that have been released by Marvel and DC comics, Batman is my least favorite, primarily because of the dark and diabolical nature of the villains. Despite my dislike of the Batman movies, I still watch them. In the last Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises, the villain, Bane, delivers a crippling blow to Batman’s back. He then escorts Batman to an underground prison. The only way out of the prison is through a tower-like tunnel that is carved out of rock.

November 15, 2014

The Way Things Are Done At Disney

Disney Diagram 1

November 1, 2014

An End-of-Life Experience

deathcertificateYou may have heard about the incident a couple of weeks ago (October 22) in Ottawa, Canada, when a Canadian soldier was gunned down by a homegrown terrorist, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau.  The soldier’s name was Corporal Nathan Cirillo, and at the time of the incident he was on duty as a ceremonial guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Canadian National War Memorial.

October 18, 2014

Halloween, Ebola, and a Saint

Halloween - BooIt’s that time of year again.  Halloween is right around the corner and a lot of people are scared.  Our so-called leaders walk around as though they are zombies whose purpose is to destroy our nation.  Every decision they make is the exact opposite of what a reasonable, rational person would decide.  What’s even scarier is the sheep-like behavior of the masses who wander about, clueless as to what’s going on around them.

October 11, 2014

One of My Favorite Fight Scenes

Top Ten Fight ScenesLast week while I was on my way to a court hearing, I stepped onto an elevator to go up to the floor where the courtroom was located.  When I got on the elevator, there were five other individuals inside, one of whom was talking on her cell phone.  As the elevator doors closed, the woman said, “I’m in an elevator so if I lose you, I’ll call you back.”

September 27, 2014

Is Your Life Out of Control?

outofcontrolAccording to Dorothea Brande, author of the book, Wake Up and Live, the most important success secret she has ever discovered is to “[A]ct as if it were impossible to fail, and it shall be.”  From a business perspective, I can tell you that in my 31 years of practicing law and working with numerous business owners, Brande’s “secret” really is one of the true principles of success in the business world.

September 20, 2014

Overcoming the Fear of Rejection

Rejection Just Ahead Green Road Sign with Dramatic Storm Clouds and Sky.Last week, I published an Adoration Meditation article — “Harnessing the Power of Fear” — that focused on two types of fear, servile fear and filial fear.  You can find the article in the adoration chapel or online at  If you haven’t read it, I would recommend that you do so.  There’s a good chance you’ll be pleasantly surprised by what is says about a prayer that you memorized when you were in second grade.

June 14, 2014

The Real Enemy

PogoA couple of weeks ago one of my clients started talking about one of his favorite pastimes — reading comic books.  My mind immediately flashed back to when I was a boy in the 1960s.  Back then, I hated reading assignments from school, but I loved reading comic books.  The first product that I ever ordered through the mail was a product that I discovered by reading an advertisement in a comic book.

May 22, 2014

Mealtime With Our Lord

Dinner with JesusIn a recent Adoration Letter article titled “Too Tired To Care,” I wrote about the importance of making an effort to always keep your mind young, fresh, enthusiastic, and hopeful.  In the article, I mentioned a reporter who had followed Mother Teresa around for several days and was completely exhausted by the end of each day.  The reporter noticed that Mother Teresa, who was more than twice the age of the reporter, appeared to be as fresh and energetic as she was when she started each day.
