
February 26, 2011

Letting The Genie Out Of The Bottle

The year was 1988.  Georgette and I had four children – Harry, 7; Anna, 5; Maria, 4; and Laura, 1.  During the last week in May, I told my three older children that if the weather cooperated, we were going to plant a garden on Saturday.  When I told them, they all got excited and started looking forward to the adventure.

January 15, 2011

The Beliefs & Behavior of a Madman

If you pay any attention to the news, you know about the attempted murder last Saturday of Gabrielle Giffords, a congresswoman from Arizona.  Just in case you’re not up to speed on the details of the incident, I’ll give you a brief summary of what happened, and then a few of my own thoughts and observations that I haven’t seen expressed by anyone else.

January 1, 2011

What’s “New” This Year?

According to Webster’s Dictionary, the word “new” is defined as “having recently come into existence.”  I have a question for you.  Now that 2011 has come into existence, what’s really “new”?

December 26, 2010

A Mother & Her Son

Earlier this year, I handled a case for a 17 year old boy who had been involved in an automobile accident.  The accident was not his fault, but the police officer found a reason to give him two traffic tickets.  The boy’s mother called my office and scheduled an appointment. 

November 13, 2010

The Critic & The EXTREME Parent

On a Friday night about eight years ago, I got myself into an argument with one of my college age children (“the college student”).  The argument centered around a certain movie that I thought was morally objectionable.  At one point, the college student blurted out: “Dad, most Catholics would not agree with you about this movie.  You’re too extreme when comes to things like this.  I can only think of two other people who would agree with you: grandmother (my mom) and Aunt Patty.”

October 30, 2010

Religion On A Sleeve

A Son and His Father

June 26, 2010

Just One More

BarbieI was able to bring Georgette home from St. Mary’s hospital last Monday (June 21).  The trip took about 7 ½ hours.  In order to keep her blood from clotting, we had to stop every 90 minutes so she could get out of the car and walk around.  All things considered, she is doing very well.  She’s not allowed to drive for 4 weeks and is forbidden from lifting anything heavier than a gallon of milk for 6 weeks.

June 19, 2010

A Hidden Miracle

SacredHeartLast week I told you about the heart surgery that was scheduled for Georgette.  Thanks to the prayers from an army of Christians, the surgery was successful and she is slowly recovering.  The surgery was performed at St. Mary’s Hospital in Rochester, Minnesota, by Dr. Hartzell Schaff, a heart surgeon who is considered by many to be the top surgeon in the world for the type of heart surgery Georgette needed to have.

May 4, 2010

A Drive-Thru Experience

WendysThere’s something that’s been going on for awhile that’s really starting to irritate me.  The more I see it, the more irritated I get.  I don’t remember when it started, but it’s been going on for a least at few years now.