Last month, a 22-year-old man scheduled an appointment with my office to discuss the possibility of filing a bankruptcy. For the purpose of this article, I’m going to call him “Jim.” When Jim and I met, he explained to me that he had been terminated from his job earlier in the year and was drowning in debt. He told me that he currently lives with his girlfriend in the basement of her parents’ home.
You may have heard about the incident a couple of weeks ago (October 22) in Ottawa, Canada, when a Canadian soldier was gunned down by a homegrown terrorist, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau. The soldier’s name was Corporal Nathan Cirillo, and at the time of the incident he was on duty as a ceremonial guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Canadian National War Memorial.
Last week, I published an Adoration Meditation article — “Harnessing the Power of Fear” — that focused on two types of fear, servile fear and filial fear. You can find the article in the adoration chapel or online at If you haven’t read it, I would recommend that you do so. There’s a good chance you’ll be pleasantly surprised by what is says about a prayer that you memorized when you were in second grade.
Earlier this month, at the age of 81, Joan Rivers passed away. I first became familiar with Rivers in the 1970s, during my high school years. I was a fan of The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, and Rivers was selected by Carson to fill in for him whenever he was gone from his television show. Back then, there were only two female comedians who had any notoriety: Phyllis Diller and Joan Rivers.
One evening during the summer of 2005, I called one of my clients and asked him if he would come over to my house to fix a problem with my plumbing. His name was Jim, and at that time he was in his mid-50s. We had done business with each other since the early 1990s. I was originally introduced to Jim by another client who owned several rental properties and had hired Jim to work on his properties.
Last week, I wrote about how an adorer (“Tony”) had criticized me because of an article that I had written about and its founder, Jeff Bezos. Tony provided several reasons why I (and other Catholics) should refuse to do business with Amazon, one of which is that “Amazon distributes pornography.” Here’s how I responded to the comment about the pornography issue:
If you use the Internet to shop for items, there’s a good chance you’ve purchased products from With 96 fulfillment centers located throughout the United States, Amazon is a financial threat to a number of local and national businesses. Products that are ordered from Amazon are routinely delivered to customers’ doorsteps within one to three days.
Last week, while I was meeting with a client, she started talking about a new crisis in her life that was causing her distress. (For the purpose of this article, I’m going to call my client “Julie.”) At any other time in her life, Julie would have easily been able to handle the type of crisis she was going through, but this time she was in severe distress.