
January 24, 2015

Turning Off The Idiot Box

Idiot Box -Turn It OffWhen I was growing up, the one order we heard most from my mom was, “Turn off the TV and go outside!” If we didn’t immediately do what she said, she would rush over to the television, turn it off, and again order us to go outside.

August 9, 2014

A Final Response

Criticism - AvoidThis is my fifth and final response to an email that I received from Tony, who questioned an article I had written about and its founder, Jeff Bezos.  Tony provided the following reasons why I (and other Catholics) should refuse to buy products from Amazon:

August 2, 2014

Creative Destruction

Creative DestructionOne of the things I wanted to cover in my series of articles concerning Jeff Bezos and is the process of creative destruction.  Have you ever heard of “creative destruction”?  It’s a term that was originally used by an Austrian economist, Joseph Schumpeter (1883–1950).  Schumpeter described creative destruction as an essential process that takes place in a free-market economy, wiping out entire industries after new technologies are discovered and put into place.

June 22, 2013

Dangerous Snoops And Peeping Toms

NSADuring my first year in college (1975), I sent a telegram to my sister Colleen who was a senior in high school.  She was in the school play and I wanted to get a written message to her wishing her luck on the opening night of the play.  The message consisted of two short sentences and was delivered to her the same day that I sent it.

October 13, 2012

Responding To Criticism

A couple of weeks ago I published an article in which I discussed organ donation and two incidents involving individuals who found themselves in a position where they had to make decisions concerning ending the lives of family members who had been declared brain-dead.  If you didn’t have a chance to read the article, you can find it here.

September 29, 2012

The Sale of Body Parts

About six years ago on a Thursday morning around 10 o’clock, I got a phone call from Georgette.  At the time, I was at my office.  She told me that a man we both knew was on life support at one of the local hospitals.  He was in his 60s and had gone in for surgery earlier that morning.  Something went wrong during the surgery, and he had stopped breathing.  The surgical team was able to bring him back to life, but his wife and children were told that he was “brain dead.”  The only thing keeping him alive was a ventilator (a breathing machine).

September 27, 2012

Email – The Lowest Form of Communication

Although I like the Internet and most of its features and benefits, when it comes to sending and receiving communications of any substance, I hate email.  I long for the good old days (20 years ago) when people wrote real letters, folded them up, placed them in envelopes addressed to the intended recipients, and mailed them.
