
June 16, 2012

Where Have All The Heroes Gone?

Although I grew up watching heroes such as Superman, Batman, and the Lone Ranger on television, my very first heroes were my dad, Carl Williams, and my grand-father, Tom Williams. My grandfather lived next door to my parents and was of Lebanese descent.  In Lebanese, a grandfather is referred to as “Jidu.”  That’s what all his grandchildren called him: “Jidu.”

November 13, 2010

The Critic & The EXTREME Parent

On a Friday night about eight years ago, I got myself into an argument with one of my college age children (“the college student”).  The argument centered around a certain movie that I thought was morally objectionable.  At one point, the college student blurted out: “Dad, most Catholics would not agree with you about this movie.  You’re too extreme when comes to things like this.  I can only think of two other people who would agree with you: grandmother (my mom) and Aunt Patty.”

November 7, 2010

A Revolution Against Fatherhood

Webster’s Dictionary defines the word revolution as “a sudden, radical, or complete change … a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something.”

October 30, 2010

Religion On A Sleeve

A Son and His Father

October 23, 2010

Say Hello To Your New “Friend”

In last week’s article, A Prowler In The House, I threw down the gauntlet and challenged fathers to start conducting surprise inspections of their son’s iPods, cell phones, computers, and other devices.*