
May 22, 2014

Mealtime With Our Lord

Dinner with JesusIn a recent Adoration Letter article titled “Too Tired To Care,” I wrote about the importance of making an effort to always keep your mind young, fresh, enthusiastic, and hopeful.  In the article, I mentioned a reporter who had followed Mother Teresa around for several days and was completely exhausted by the end of each day.  The reporter noticed that Mother Teresa, who was more than twice the age of the reporter, appeared to be as fresh and energetic as she was when she started each day.

December 4, 2010

Inside the Head of a Teenager

Last week Parade magazine had a cover story by Judith Newman about how the teenage brain works.  The headline of the story was: “What’s Really Going On Inside Your Teen’s Head.”  The sub headline was: “They’re moody.  Secretive.  Spacy.  Infuriating!  Now scientists are starting to figure out why.”
