St. Louis de Montfort Consecration

March 30, 2019

Religious Extremists and the Vietnam War

I ordinarily attend daily Mass at Sacred Heart Church in downtown Peoria. Last Monday (March 25), I saw my parents at noon Mass and talked to them after the Mass. My mom told me that it was the 58th anniversary of her consecration to the Mother of God. I knew that she had made her consecration years ago, but I was not aware of the actual date.

September 19, 2015

A Perfect Line of Communication

Lines of CommunicationLast week I wrote about what motivates me to write a religious article every week. After providing the definition of the word “motivate” — “to provide a reason for doing something” — I listed several reasons why I continue to write every week. After listing my reasons, I wrote:

In addition to my own personal reasons for writing, there’s another motivating force that is invisible to me and others.   It’s a force that I am unable to explain or understand. It’s the same force that transforms sinners into saints.
